① 求国外的名胜古迹介绍(要英文的)急~~~

Eiffel Tower
Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in Paris.[1] More than 200,000,000 have visited the tower since its construction in 1889,[2] including 6,719,200 in 2006,[3] making it the most visited paid monument in the world.[4][5] Including the 24 m (79 ft) antenna, the structure is 325 m (1,063 ft) high (since 2000), which is equivalent to about 81 levels in a conventional building.
Eiffel Tower October 2007
Eiffel Tower October 2007

When the tower was completed in 1889 it was the world's tallest tower — a title it retained until 1930 when New York City's Chrysler Building (319 m — 1,047 ft tall) was completed.[6] The tower is now the fifth-tallest structure in France and the tallest structure in Paris, with the second-tallest being the Tour Montparnasse (210 m — 689 ft), although that will soon be surpassed by Tour AXA (225.11 m — 738.36 ft).
Eiffel Tower from the neighborhood.
Eiffel Tower from the neighborhood.

The metal structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,300 tonnes while the entire structure including non-metal components is approximately 10,000 tonnes. Depending on the ambient temperature, the top of the tower may shift away from the sun by up to 18 cm (7 in) because of thermal expansion of the metal on the side facing the sun. The tower also sways 6–7 cm (2–3 in) in the wind.[3] As demonstration of the economy of design, if the 7300 tonnes of the metal structure were melted down it would fill the 125 meter square base to a depth of only 6 cm (2.36 in), assuming a density of the metal to be 7.8 tonnes per cubic meter. The tower has a mass less than the mass of the air contained in a cylinder of the same dimensions,[7] that is 324 meters high and 88.3 meters in radius. The weight of the tower is 10,100 tonnes compared to 10,265 tonnes of air.

The first and second levels are accessible by stairways and lifts. A ticket booth at the south tower base sells tickets to access the stairs which begin at that location. At the first platform the stairs continue up from the east tower and the third level summit is only accessible by lift. From the first or second platform the stairs are open for anyone to ascend or descend regardless of whether they have purchased a lift ticket or stair ticket. The actual count of stairs includes 9 steps to the ticket booth at the base, 328 steps to the first level, 340 steps to the second level and 18 steps to the lift platform on the second level. When exiting the lift at the third level there are 15 more steps to ascend to the upper observation platform. The step count is printed periodically on the side of the stairs to give an indication of progress of ascent. The majority of the ascent allows for an unhindered view of the area directly beneath and around the tower although some short stretches of the stairway are enclosed.

Maintenance of the tower includes applying 50 to 60 tonnes of paint every seven years to protect it from rust. In order to maintain a uniform appearance to an observer on the ground, three separate colors of paint are used on the tower, with the darkest on the bottom and the lightest at the top. On occasion the colour of the paint is changed; the tower is currently painted a shade of brownish-grey.[8] On the first floor there are interactive consoles hosting a poll for the colour to use for a future session of painting. The co-architects of the Eiffel Tower are Emile Nouguier, Maurice Koechlin and Stephen Sauvestre.[

② 澳大利亚著名景点的英文介绍


③ 澳大利亚有那些名胜古迹


悉尼歌剧院(Opera House)

世界公认的澳大利亚标志建筑,它占地0.12平方公里,与岩石区(The Rocks)及悉尼大桥遥相呼应,悉尼歌剧院的魅力在于其独特的屋顶造型及其和周围环境的浑然一体的效果,在悉尼歌剧院的演出票价一般为30至120澳元。

悉尼海港大桥(Harbour Bridge):


圣凯达路(St. Kilda Road)

是墨尔本的观光大道,集中了大多数墨尔本的著名观光点。主要有南门休闲区(South Gate)、维多利亚艺术中心(Victoria Arts Centre)、维多利亚美术馆(National Gallery of Victoria)、Alexandra公园、皇家植物园(Royal Botanic Gardens)、玛雅音乐场(Myer Music Bowal)等等。

维多利亚艺术中心(Victoria Arts Centre)



相邻墨尔本市中心最繁华的大街,有中文电影院、华语夜总会、中文书店、中医诊所和以中文为主要服务语言的银行、保险公司、律师(移民)事务所、旅行社、免税商店及众多亚洲餐馆,唐人街上还有澳大利亚规模最大的记录华人移民历史的澳华博物馆(Museum of Chinese & Australian History)。墨尔本动物园(Royal Melbourne Zoo):位于市中心北面3公里处,是世界上最古老的著名动物园之一,这里的动物、自然和人之间关系十分融洽,很多动物和人之间可以直接接触和交流,动物园内还种植了2万种以上的植物,奇化异草,争奇斗艳。

黄金海岸(Gold Coast)

黄金海岸是个举世闻名的海滨旅游城市,位于布里斯班南78公里处,这里有晒成金黄色的游客,有高水准的中国餐馆,有老幼皆宜的游乐场,黄金海岸42公里的海滩美似金沙,连绵不断,这里年平均气温25℃以上,每年来这里度假的人超过200万人次,黄金海岸云集了冲浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)、海洋公园(Sea World)、华纳电影世界(Warner Brothers Movie World)、梦幻世界(Dream World)及水上公园(Wet'n'Wild Water Park)等等著名的景点。

大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)

1981年被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,是世界上最大的珊瑚岛群,从澳大利亚北端的约克角(Cape York)向南延伸到格拉斯通(Gladstone)为止,约2000公里,有珊瑚种类350余种,这里的礁岛有的露出海面,岛上绿意盎然,艳丽明媚,有的半隐半现,诗情画意,意境美妙;有的隐在海中,千奇百怪,充满浪漫。

卡喀杜国家公园(Kaka National Park)

位于达尔文以东的250公里处,有2万平方公里大,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,有"土著的故乡、动物的天堂"之说,卡喀杜国家公园有巍峨的悬崖、壮观的瀑布、美丽的湖泊、神秘的岩画和栖息着大量野生动物的热带雨林和沼泽地。艾雅斯巨石(Ayers Rock):位于爱丽斯泉西南340公里处的乌鲁鲁国家公园(Uluru-Kata National Park)内,乌鲁鲁是土著人对艾雅斯巨石的尊称,意味庇难及和平的地方,或是土地之母的意思,有极其深远的文化和宗教意义,艾雅斯巨石现被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,是澳大利亚最著名的旅游胜地之一。

议会大厦(Parliament House)


④ 怎么用英语介绍澳大利亚的首都,国旗,说话的语言,名胜,80词左右

Australia is the sixth largest in the world. It lies in the south of the earth. The capital city is Canberra, which is a beautiful city. It's famous for the natural wild life and creatures. There are three colors in Australia national flag. There are red, white and blue. When you get to Australia, you need to speek English. And the most interesting place is Sydney Opera House. It's very great.

⑤ 澳大利亚著名景点的英文介绍



Australia is surrounded by sea, but desert and semi desert account for 35% of the national area. On the eastern coast, there is the world's largest coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef. Australia is also the country with the largest number of sheep in the world, known as "the country on the back of sheep". Take a trip to Australia to enjoy the fascinating natural beauty and feel the vitality and leisure of Australians, so that you can get rid of the hustle and bustle of life and regain the essence of fresh and natural life.


The world famous Great Barrier Reef in Australia was listed in the list of world protected heritage as early as 1981. The Great Barrier Reef, located in the coral sea of northeastern Australia, is the largest coral reef group in the world, stretching over 2000 kilometers. There are not only the largest coral reefs and islands in the world, but also more than 400 kinds of marine mollusks and 1500 kinds of fish, many of which are endangered species in the world. Beautiful Keynes is the only way to the Great Barrier Reef.


There are 400 kinds of living corals in the Great Barrier Reef. The colors range from ordinary blue and brown to intricate pink and purple sea fans. It's a magical world with colorful spots and rotten spots. You can take a boat to feicui island for snorkeling and deep diving. You can also do semi submersible boats and glass boats to enjoy coral, jellyfish and small fish.


⑥ 澳大利亚有哪些名胜古迹啊

古迹的话 要算自然给予的美好风光和独特的地貌了,大红石艾雅斯巨石(Ayers Rock),大洋路的地貌(十二门徒),达尔文的卡喀杜国家公园(Kaka National Park),天然的塔斯马尼亚风光,大堡礁的潜水胜境。

名胜谈不上古 但是有特色的也很多,悉尼的歌剧院(Opera House)&海港大桥(Harbour Bridge),堪培拉的议会大厦(Parliament House),墨尔本的圣凯达路(St. Kilda Road)旁边也有各种有特色的建筑,黄金海岸的冲浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)、海洋公园(Sea World)、华纳电影世界( Movie World)、梦幻世界(Dream World)及水上公园(Wet'n'Wild Water Park)。

⑦ 欧洲名胜古迹的英文介绍!!

1. 意大利比萨斜塔
The Tower of Pisa。The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the Cathedral. Its construction began in the august of 1173 and continued (with two long interruptions) for about two hundred years, in full fidelity to the original project, whose architect is still uncertain.In the past it was widely believed that the inclination of the Tower was part of the project ever since its beginning, but now we know that it is not so. The Tower was designed to be "vertical" (and even if it did not lean it would still be one of the most remarkable bell towers in Europe), and started to incline ring its construction.Both because of its inclination, and its beauty, from 1173 up to the present the Tower has been the object of very special attention. During its construction efforts were made to halt the incipient inclination through the use of special construction devices; later colums and other damaged parts were substituted in more than one occasion; today, interventions are being carried out within the sub-soil in order to significantly rece the inclination and to make sure that Tower will have a long life.In all this story it is possible to find a meaningful constant, the "genetic code" of the Tower: its continual interaction with the soil on which it was built. Today's (1999) works for the safeguard and the conservation of the Tower with very advanced methodologies are designed to fully respect this constant.
2.意大利 威尼斯的圣马可广场(Piazza del san.marco)
Piazza San Marco, as the most romantic squares, pigeons here is the greatest feature。

⑧ 谁能用英语介绍名胜古迹 并且带翻译

The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten thousand Ii Great Wall" in Chinese. In fact, it' s more than 6 000 kilometres long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.
The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it was built ring the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms. It was ring the Qin Dynasty that the kingdom of Qin united the dif ferent parts into one empire. To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being.
The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on the the towers as a warning when the enemy came.
It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines. All the work was done by hand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.
Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world. Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying: "He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."

中国的长城汉语中常叫作“万里长城”。实际上它长 6 ooo多公里。它从西到东,穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过深谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直到海边。它是世界上的奇观之一。

⑨ 介绍澳洲的名胜古迹

悉尼歌剧院(Opera House):世界公认的澳大利亚标志建筑,它占地0.12平方公里,与岩石区(The Rocks)及悉尼大桥遥相呼应,悉尼歌剧院的魅力在于其独特的屋顶造型及其和周围环境的浑然一体的效果,在悉尼歌剧院的演出票价一般为30至120澳元。

悉尼海港大桥(Harbour Bridge):屹立在悉尼歌剧院的西面,是连接悉尼南北的交通枢纽,它竣工于1932年,耗资两亿澳元,悉尼海港大桥是悉尼人的最爱,将它和悉尼歌剧院一起欣赏时,雄伟与婀娜、深色与浅色、直线与曲线相应成辉,构成了反差强烈又协调统一的美丽图画。

圣凯达路(St. Kilda Road):是墨尔本的观光大道,集中了大多数墨尔本的著名观光点。主要有南门休闲区(South Gate)、维多利亚艺术中心(Victoria Arts Centre)、维多利亚美术馆(National Gallery of Victoria)、Alexandra公园、皇家植物园(Royal Botanic Gardens)、玛雅音乐场(Myer Music Bowal)等等。

维多利亚艺术中心(Victoria Arts Centre):是墨尔本的标志建筑之一,其顶部有115米高的锥形铁架,造型犹如一位翩翩起舞的芭蕾舞女正旋转她的舞裙,因而被誉为"芭蕾舞女的裙子",艺术中心从外面看是五层楼,而实际建筑物共有十层,其中有五层是建在地下的,所以艺术中心的音响效果非常好。

墨尔本的唐人街(Chinatown):相邻墨尔本市中心最繁华的大街,有中文电影院、华语夜总会、中文书店、中医诊所和以中文为主要服务语言的银行、保险公司、律师(移民)事务所、旅行社、免税商店及众多亚洲餐馆,唐人街上还有澳大利亚规模最大的记录华人移民历史的澳华博物馆(Museum of Chinese & Australian History)。

墨尔本动物园(Royal Melbourne Zoo):位于市中心北面3公里处,是世界上最古老的著名动物园之一,这里的动物、自然和人之间关系十分融洽,很多动物和人之间可以直接接触和交流,动物园内还种植了2万种以上的植物,奇化异草,争奇斗艳。

黄金海岸(Gold Coast):黄金海岸是个举世闻名的海滨旅游城市,位于布里斯班南78公里处,这里有晒成金黄色的游客,有高水准的中国餐馆,有老幼皆宜的游乐场,黄金海岸42公里的海滩美似金沙,连绵不断,这里年平均气温25℃以上,每年来这里度假的人超过200万人次,黄金海岸云集了冲浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)、海洋公园(Sea World)、华纳电影世界(Warner Brothers Movie World)、梦幻世界(Dream World)及水上公园(Wet'n'Wild Water Park)等等著名的景点。

大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef):1981年被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,是世界上最大的珊瑚岛群,从澳大利亚北端的约克角(Cape York)向南延伸到格拉斯通(Gladstone)为止,约2000公里,有珊瑚种类350余种,这里的礁岛有的露出海面,岛上绿意盎然,艳丽明媚,有的半隐半现,诗情画意,意境美妙;有的隐在海中,千奇百怪,充满浪漫。

卡喀杜国家公园(Kaka National Park):位于达尔文以东的250公里处,有2万平方公里大,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,有"土著的故乡、动物的天堂"之说,卡喀杜国家公园有巍峨的悬崖、壮观的瀑布、美丽的湖泊、神秘的岩画和栖息着大量野生动物的热带雨林和沼泽地。

艾雅斯巨石(Ayers Rock):位于爱丽斯泉西南340公里处的乌鲁鲁国家公园(Uluru-Kata National Park)内,乌鲁鲁是土著人对艾雅斯巨石的尊称,意味庇难及和平的地方,或是土地之母的意思,有极其深远的文化和宗教意义,艾雅斯巨石现被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,是澳大利亚最著名的旅游胜地之一。

议会大厦(Parliament House):位于堪培拉的首都山顶,与旧的议会大厦连成一体,它是建筑艺术、工艺美术和装饰艺术完美壮观的统一体,它体现了澳大利亚的历史、迥然不同的多元文化、国家的发展和对未来的抱负,议会大厦雄伟屹立,体现着澳大利亚联邦的形象的精神,新的议会大厦的建造用了8年时间和11亿澳元,于1988年澳大利亚建国200周年时正式启用,它代表了建筑与环境、人类与自然、政治与社会的完美结合。

⑩ 名胜古迹的英文介绍

苏州狮子林Lion Grove Garden
Lion Grove Garden (Shizilin) is located on 23 Yuanlin Road, in the northeast of Suzhou-a city with profound cultural background and convenient developmental advantages. Lion Grove Garden is one of the four most famous and representative gardens of ancient classical style in Suzhou City. The other three are Blue Wave Pavilion (Canglangta), Lingering Garden (Liuyuan) and Humble Administrator's Garden (Zhuozhengyuan).

Built in 1342 ring the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) by Monk Tianru and a group of Zen Buddhist disciples as a memorial of their master-Monk Zhongfeng, Lion Grove Garden has changed hands and renamed a number of times. Its changeable history is because Monk Zhongfeng had once apperceived the Buddhism sutras at Lion Cliff on Mountain Xitianmu in Zhejiang Province. Also there was many rocks grotesque in shapes in the garden resembling lions. It was first given the name Lion Grove, this name was changed to Bodhi Orthodox Temple (Puti Zhengzong) in 1342. Lion Grove Garden had been a popular center of literati's and Buddhism activities. Many paintings and poems were inspired by the garden at this time.

After Monk Tianru's death and the disbandment of the disciples, Lion Grove Garden grew more dilapidated day by day. In 1589 of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Monk Mingxing asked for donatives to rebuild the garden and temple, which were separated ring the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Huang Xingzu, the governor of Hengzhou, bought the garden and renamed it She Garden. His son, Huang Xi repaired and decorated the garden and gave it a new name - Five-Pine Garden in 1771. Good times don't last long-Lion Grove Garden was again left to ruin e to the Huangs'downfall and purchased by Bei family in 1917. After the national liberation, Lion Grove Garden was donated to People's Republic of China. From then on, the garden entered a steady and well-protected period.

Covering an area of about 10,000 square meters (two and a half acres), Lion Grove Garden is an ideal sightseeing site as it has richly ornamental pavilions and towers in different styles; each has its own history and story. True Delight Pavilion (Zhenquting) is said to be the most magnificent in Lion Grove Garden e to its royal style and Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, who visited the gardens six times, in 1765, wrote its plaque. The name of Standing-in-Snow Hall (Lixuetang) came from a Buddhist story about a pure-hearted Zen adherent standing in snow for a whole night to worship his master. Pavilion for Greeting the Plum Blossoms (Wenmeige) was a place where painters and poets indited. In addition to the plum treesaround the pavilion, all the furnitures and utensils inside are decorated or carved with beautiful plum blossom designs. Furthermore, many rare tablets and steles, paintings and calligraphies are kept in Lion Grove Garden , including precious artwork "Panoramic View of" by Ni Yunlin, also called Ni Zan, and the "Twelve Scenic Spots in Lion Grove Garden" by Xu Ben, both were famous painters from the Ming Dynasty.

However, as the representative garden of the Yuan Dynasty, the most noted and attractive scenery of Lion Grove Garden is the labyrinthine rockery, which was mostly made of the limestone from Taihu Lake in Wuxi City. Reputed as the "Kingdom of Rockery", the rocks were piled up skillfully and ingeniously, and most of them look like lions in different postures and verves: playing, roaring, fighting, sleeping, or even dancing. It is said that looking north from Small Square Hall (Xiaofangting), one can see nine stone lions standing in a row and that is the Nine-Lion Peak. Due to the changes and ravages of the time and climate, the peak now only bears little resemblance to the lines. There are altogether 9 paths and 21 caverns cross among the steep peaks, sharp crags and narrow valleys made up by countless grotesque rocks. Walking through those numerous winding pathways and caverns of the anfractuous stone forest, one could easily lose one's way. With the old pines and cypress trees, the whole landscapes represent scenes of real mountains and forests.

The whole structure of Lion Grove Garden shows a flavor of Zen Buddhism and is an apotheosis of the gardens' constructions. A part of the Imperial Summer Resort of the Qing Dynasty in Chengde of Hebei Province was a mimic of Lion Grove Garden. The garden occupies a very important place in history, representing the diversity of cultural and architectural development in Suzhou over the years.