1. 乐园用英语怎么说

1. paradise
2. Eden
3. fairyland
4. Elysium

1. 香港是旅游者的乐园。
Hong Kong is a travellers' paradise.
2. 一个舒适的家可以是一个乐园。
A comfortable house may be an Eden.
3. 夏威夷被称为海岛乐园。
Hawaii is called an island paradise.
4. 玩具店就是幼儿的乐园.
The toy-shop is a fairyland for young children.

This is a heaven on earth.
These forests are a hunter's paradise.
The toy shop is a fairyland for young children.
Have you ever been to Disneyland?
Have you ever been to Dis neyland?
A delightful place; a paradise.
The house is a little heaven.
Shell collectors find the ocean beaches happy hunting ground(s).
New England attics are happy hunting grounds for antique collectors.

2. 翻译~~英语

The subway No.1 line is south north to pierce through the city center of area have the track transportation line quickly.A the period engineering south rises the river's paradise, road through road, river road, hill path of, sea of, fold toward north toward people's square from the hill path of, was cross by new road the river of Suzhou arrive the train station of Shanghai, whole long 16.365 kilometerses, constitute from long 13.37 kilometers of underground tunnels( contain the station) and 2.995 kilometers circuits of grounds, follow the line to establish 13 stations totally, and set up the kit facilities of correspond the scale.The long-term day carries the ability as 100.Engineering formal opening of January 19 from 90 years construction, December is basic to set up in 94 years,95 years, April start the whole line trying to carry the camp.

3. 上海的著名景点及其英语

The Oriantal Pearl's Tower 东方明珠(Oriantal Pearl Broadcasting & TV Tower 东方明珠广播电视塔)
Yuyuan Garden 豫园
Shanghai Science & Technology Museum 上海科技馆
Jing'an Temple 静安寺
Jinmao Tower 金茂大厦
Jinjiang Park 锦江乐园
The Bund 外滩
Town's God Temple 城隍庙
Longhua Temple & Pagoda 龙华寺与塔
Huangpu River Cruise 黄浦江游览
First National Congress, Communist Party of China(C.P.C.) 中国共产党第一次全国代表大会会址
Former Office of The Shanghai Delegation to The C.P.C. 中国共产党代表团驻沪办事处(周公馆)
Guyi Garden 古漪园,嘉定南翔
Jade Buddha Temple 玉佛寺
Shanghai Botanical Garden 上海植物园
Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆
The New People's Square 新人民广场
Square Pagaoda & Screeb Wall 方塔和照壁,松江城区
Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC) 上海城市规划展示馆
Shanghai Grand Theatre 上海大剧院
Shanghai Century Park 世纪公园
Shanghai Sheshan National Holiday Resort 上海佘山国家旅游度假区
Shanghai DAGUANYUAN 上海大观园,青浦商塌

4. 2010 11 21日上海锦江乐园里有两首常播的英文歌曲叫什么 急求 谢谢


5. 英语介绍上海景点


老城隍庙 Town God's Temple
豫园 Yuyan Garden
南京路 Nanjing Road
外滩 the Bund
新外滩 the new Bund
玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple
锦江乐园 Jindjiang Amusement Park
徐家汇天主教堂 Xujiahui Cathedral
上海影城 Shanghai Film Ceter
上海工业展览馆 Shanghai Instrial Exhibition Hall
上海博物馆 Shanghai Museum
上海图书馆 Shanghai Library
上海体育馆 Shanghai Stadium
上海植物园 Shanghai Botanical Garden
孙中山故居 Former Residence of Dr.San Yatsen
黄浦江游 Cruise Along the Huangpu River
东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower
人民广场 The People's Square
上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre
世纪公园 Shanghai Century Park
上海城市规划展示馆 Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC)
金茂大厦 Jinmao Tower
上海科技馆 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum
静安寺 Jing'an Temple
上海佘山国家旅游度假区 Shanghai Sheshan National Holiday Resort
共青森林公园 GongQing Forest Park

6. 锦江乐园英文介绍

Jinjiang Amusement Park is a large-scale modern amusement park in Shanghai opened in the ‘. With its advanced recreational facilities, like the single-ring slide-car, water surfing, single-rail car, wooden horse merry-go-round, revolving chairs in the air, louts pan, foot-peddled single track car, bumping cars, roller coaster, flying disc boat and laser shooting, attract a great number of tourists. Now, many new sports games have been added, such as high platform speed asjustable sliding, rock and roll sliding, 45℃ wave surfing, and massage pool. Visitors may choose their favorable items besides sightseeing and watching, finding pleasure in excitement and suspension and tempering their courage and increasing wisdom.

7. 美好的回忆锦江乐园英语作文并翻译


8. 锦江乐园的英文怎么说

Jinjiang paradise

9. 上海锦江乐园英语翻译“Jinjiang Park”,我感觉这个翻译没有体现出“乐”字。

上海市语言文字工作委员会2009年9月发布的《公共场所英文译写规范》第4部分公园译作内容Park;园、圃、苑译作Garden。大型游乐场、乐园、游乐园等译作Amusement Park;小型游乐场译作Playground。儿童乐园(设在旅游景区内)译作Children's Playground;主题公园译作Theme Park。

10. 我在星期三去了上海锦江乐园的英文

I went to Jinjiang, Shanghai, on Wednesday.

I went to Jinjiang, Shanghai, on Wednesday.